Dandelion Smile
How beautiful is the lowly Dandelion flower?
Not VERY you may say?
How beautiful does that lowly little yellow flower become,
when presented to you in the loving hands of a tiny child,
given with genuine love and happiness?
It becomes as beautiful as the most delicate rose,
as precious and fragile as any orchid,
as full of love as any bouquet you've ever received.
Does it not?
How beautiful is your smile?
Not VERY you may say?
But, my dear friend!
It can be as wonderful as the most captivating flower.
Present your smile with genuine love and sharing.
Mean it when you smile! Let your heart show through!
You will NOT believe the power of that
simple, genuine, caring gesture!
Try it....
you'll be amazed at the results it produces in your friends, and
Michael Garland~©2000

The Gifts of a Very Best Friend
A lifetime of love...In a hug and a smile,
A reason to visit...And stay for a while
The strength of a bond...That's destined to last,
The joys of the present...The warmth of the past.
These are the treasures...A fortunate few
Are lucky to cherish...All their lives through.
These are the blessings...On which we depend,
For these are the gifts...
Of a very best friend.
~Emily Matthews~

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June 23, 2001 |