Greetings & Salutations!

My name is Mardee and I am currently seeking employment in a domestic capacity. I have tried to be very detailed in an effort to answer as many questions as possible in order not to waste time. For what it's worth every word you will read in these Web pages are absolute fact/truth. Thank you for your interest...

I am looking for a live-in or live-out situation with an active happy family. I'm available to cook tasty nutritional meals, take care of the children, run errands, grocery shop, take the car to the shop, drop and p/u the dry cleaning, light housekeeping, manage the household books/accounts. I'm capable of managing staff and setting up appointments for service staff. I am a team player and will gladly pitch in where needed. I am free to travel and my hours are flexible.

I was self-employed in the domestic field for approximately ten years. I worked for a family that owned a chain of high quality furniture stores and another wonderful family that has a chain of well known body shops. I truly enjoyed the assignments I held and was very happy to provide the service I did. I am ready to do what I love and return to the field that I was most enthusiastic about. I'm very dedicated, mature (47 years old), responsible, dependable, honest, energetic, very organized, a safe driver, an excellent cook, meticulous housekeeper, and a pleasure to be around. I think it's important that you know that I am both capable of being part of the family or working as a valued employee, whatever your comfort level is, I am adaptable and completely understand why one situation may be preferred over the other. I am flexible.

I'm currently employed as an IT Help Desk Technician and have been with my company for almost 5 years. I like what I do, however, I have come upon the realization that life is too short, and if I am going to do what I love it is time to make my move.

I have excellent credit, I am debt free, I have a perfect driving record, I don't drink alcohol, smoke or do any kind of drugs, I have no criminal record, I am not on any medication, and I am in excellent health. I will gladly take a drug test and submit to any background and credit check you may require. I tell you these things because I would want to know the answers to these questions if I were entertaining the possibility of having a person come live in my home with me and my children.

I am would like to to find employment in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex area. I go to an awesome Church north of Fort Worth and would prefer not to relocate at this time... And besides that, I really love Texas!

I am seeking a long term position; I think it would be really wonderful to find a family that I could stay with until my services were no longer needed because the kids were old enough to take care of themselves. (18 years old *laughing to myself*)

My philosophy about work is; "a job worth doing is a job worth doing well". One of the things that motivates me to do the best job possible is the genuine satisfaction I receive when I step back and look at the final outcome. There are no insignificant jobs if they need to be done, and if I can't do the job I know how to find the person or company that can.

Click here for Salary Information

Click here for Current Resume

Click here for Christian Views & Childcare Ideals

Click here for Salary Rate Chart from The International Nanny Association

Thanks for stopping by; I appreciate the time you've taken to see what I have to offer.   May you be blessed with the perfect domestic helper... Mardee

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First Site Created July 11, 1998 Redesigned July 27, 2003, April 19, 2004
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