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2. "I'm only working as a electrician until I can break in as a game show contestant."
3. "I wonder if this line is grounded. Here, you touch it."
4. "On the job training is what made this country great. Where else but in the United States would I be allowed to do so much knowing so little?"
5. "My favorite way of fishing is to attach two wires to a boat battery and throw them overboard, then just wait for the electrocuted fish to float to the surface. "
6. "Did I mention that my night job is research lab test patient? We're working with some really cool viruses right now."
7. You have no electricity in the house which is why you called him and he comments, "It's really hot in here, would you mind turning the air-conditioning on?"
8. "In the past few years I began to lose interest in being an electrician. All I'm doing now is going through the motions until I can save up enough for my own 7-11 franchise."
9. "Would you mind if I borrowed your phone, I need to call my parole officer and tell him I'm going to be late."
10. He answers the telephone, "Kevorkian Electricians."
*From Homeownership on $5,000 a Day: A Less Than Practical Guide available from Brookstone Press. E-mail for more information.
c 2000 S. Lindsey
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Meet Sandy's Dachshunds: Maui, Sabu & Trace's Homepage
Bill Frantically Boat Cleaning Before Mother-In-Law Arrives (a huge file - 151K) from the March 1997 Boating Magazine
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