Weiß Kreuz

The Characters

Omi's Past

Mission Statement


The Society Expands


The Society for the Protection of Omi

Because really, who wouldn't want to protect him?


The Society for the Protection of Omi was founded late one night in September of 1999 for the purpose of protecting a young boy from the traumas of his past, and the dangers of his chosen life.

Co-founders Kelly Weingart and April Disque quickly plotted out the basic function of the Society, then began to recruit new members to help carry out the Society’s goals. Today the organization numbers more than a dozen, and still expanding.

For more information on the Society and its purpose, please take a look at the menu on the left. Discover the story of Omi’s life, and how the Society hopes to expand its reach to others in need. If you have any questions about the Society and its purpose which can’t be answered on this website, please contact us at theominomikos@hotmail.com.