"And John was clothed with camel's hair, and with a girdle of skin about his loins; and he did eat locusts and wild honey;" Mark 1:6

In the year of our Lord 1976 I was born in the highlands of Michigan. Stayed there until I was one year less than a decade. Then I moved to Florida. I've lived in Tampa and Orlando, but now I live in West Palm Beach.

This page was created to better enrich my life by learning HTML. Oh and about the background on the left side of the screen. It is the tartan of my clan. I am of the clan MacGregor. I like to study genealogy, theology, and computers. I can write HTML and IRC scripts. I am majoring in computer science and psychology.
I am just past one score old. I have been going to school ever since kindergarden. I have been struggling through college for the past four years. I hope to eventually graduate.
I don't really like writing things like this, but I was told that I should have content on my page, and well this is content.
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hananiah@geocities.com Comments, Suggestions, Insults, Puns, etc. are all accepted. Email me.
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