
My "down under" alphabet goes somewhat like that: a -> aussie; b-> barramundi; c-> cobber; d-> drongo; e-> endeavour; f-> flammin; g-> g'day; h-> huru; i-> ? still developing it

magyar nyelvu: va'ltozat

see my latest exhibition

ways to amuse myself

about life in Melbourne , Australia.

Would you like to know :

my general interests are :

Now you know "everything" about me. I guess that's the purpose of a personal Web page.
Hmmm ..., there is one more thing, I do have to do more serious stuff for living :-(
Currently, I am employed by a Melbourne based company working on issues related to the Corporate communications as a Senior Communication Engineer, maintaining and upgrading they WAN-s and LAN-s and Cisco routers
Please leave an email here , or send it to my other identity. ( According to Neil Clarke "backup theory" we should have at least 2 different supplier, for things.) .

Page is established on 04/11/'96, a day before the 1996 Melbourne Cup!
Last updated November 2003
You can E-mail George Olah with your comments

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