Welcome to my home page. This is a place where I'd like to share parts of myself with others. I hope all who visit here enjoy themselves and come back often.
On Love - Kahlil Gibran offers us some words on love.
A Scripture - The scriptures offer us some words on being thankful.
Proverbs - These are some of my favorites from the Book of Proverbs.
Quotes and sayings - Some words worth repeating.
Webrings - A few webrings I have joined.
Awards - Some awards I have received for my site.
Mara the Mouse's Page - I adopted a mouse.
Clarissa the Cow's Page - I also adopted a cow.
Links to some sites I recommend:
The Bridge
Poetic Express
Poetic Peaches & Dreams
LDS Women's Forum
LDS Members on the Internet
Testify! Why I am LDS