Jacki's Home Page

Welcome to my home page. This is a place where I'd like to share parts of myself with others. I hope all who visit here enjoy themselves and come back often.

A bit about me

On Love - Kahlil Gibran offers us some words on love.

A Scripture - The scriptures offer us some words on being thankful.

Proverbs - These are some of my favorites from the Book of Proverbs.

Quotes and sayings - Some words worth repeating.

Webrings - A few webrings I have joined.

Awards - Some awards I have received for my site.

Silly Stuff

Mara the Mouse's Page - I adopted a mouse.

Clarissa the Cow's Page - I also adopted a cow.

Writing Stuff

My Writing Page - I write a lot of poetry and prose. This page contains a sample of my writing. Please visit and tell me your opinions.

Friends' Writing - This page includes the writing of some dear friends. I hope you enjoy their talents as much as I do.

Collaborations - This is a page of poems writen by myself and some dear friends.

Links to some sites I recommend:

The Bridge
Poetic Express
Poetic Peaches & Dreams
LDS Women's Forum
LDS Members on the Internet
Testify! Why I am LDS

  I welcome all comments, opinions and suggestions about my page and my writing. Please email me. I look forward to hearing from you.


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These pages last updated on March 21, 1999.

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