Designing your own web page? Need graphics to enhance them? Well, you've come to the right place! When I started this page, I thought and thought about a theme. What would be interesting to other people. I love making homepages, so the natural thing for me to do was to have a graphic site. As far as I know, none of the graphics are copyrighted. If you find one that is, please let me know and I will remove it immediately.Be sure to reload this page when you make a return visit. I make changes almost daily, so check back often. Look around and hopefully you will find that "just right" item that will make your homepage stand out in front of all the rest!
(Please do not link directly to any graphic on this site.)
If you are looking for something special and can't find it, E-mail me and I'll see what I can do. Have fun and check back often.
Hey, don't forget to sign the book before you leave! I promise to visit your homepage!!
My personal genie has granted you wishes. Hope you enjoy them! ;-)
Last updated 5-18-97.
Western Shadows
Western Graphics
Western Graphics 2
Western Lines
This Texas Webring site is owned by Roxee.
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Graphics courtesy of EZArt Graphics