03/04/00 A lot is going on in the world of politics. Where do I start? Four Narcotics detectives in Buffalo New York were caught on videotape by the FBI, stealing money from arrestees. Ralph Nader and Jello Biafra announced bids for the Green Party nomination-- www.greens.org. The State of New Jersey has admitted that it cannot find over 50 million dollars which was in the Newark Public Schools system when the state took over the public schools. The police shot to death another unarmed man in the South Bronx only a few blocks away from where Amadou Diallo was shot. In Florida a judge was convicted of taking $150,000 in bribes. In Vermont, Walmart has been fined over $200,000 for child labor law violations, mostly for kids working too many hours per week. And there is more. The best way to try to keep in touch with this stuff is to turn on to the alternative (i.e., politically liberal/progressive) media. Some good Web sites for it are igc.apc.org, www.wbaifree.org, www.apbnews.com, www.altpress.org/links2.htm, www.indypress.org, www.fair.org, www.thenation.com, www.motherjones.com. Contact me if you want further advice.
Oh yes, you should try to read Jonathan Kozol's book "Savage Inequalities" about the plight of inner-city schools. Also check out the Web sites of www.icrc.org and www.amnesty.org. A good book about ICRC is called "Warrior without Weapons". Brought many a tear to my eye. Gotta run. Keep the faith or non-faith, as you prefer.
10/13/99 Another very short song file, "if I had a hammer", only about 15 seconds.
If I had a hammer
9/25/99 As promised, here is another new file of me singing a song. Call it the
My Dog Blues (2.6 Megabytes). I think it's quite nice-- lots of harmony... the only thing missing is bass, drums, and some sopranos or altos for high harmony parts. Created using the shareware programs DDClip and Jazz Midi sequencer. Also available in
realaudio format (only about 360k, much smaller; you need the Realaudio plug-in, available at
www.real.com). Do you want to surf the Net without reading all those slow-loading banner ads? Siemens has a wonderful FREE program for Windows 95/98/NT called Web Washer that eliminates them! Speaking of Windows utilities, Double Desktop allows you to create a virtual desktop that is twice the size of your screen. Just like Linux!
9/7/99 Well, a lot has happened since January. The illegal NATO bombing of Kosovo, the exposure of the US-supported Indonesian government's massacres of 200,000 people in East Timor, Bill Clinton's political survival, the deaths of many people due to police shootings. On a lighter note, I just recorded some songs on the computer and you can hear them by double-clicking on them. Here they are:
1/1/99 Happy new year. Children should not be treated unfairly due to the circumstances of their birth such as place of birth or skin color. 1) workers in third-world countries make most of the clothes we wear. They labor for the Wal-Mart, Nike, and Disney corporations in unacceptable conditions, simply because they happened to be born in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is unfair, and sweatshops could start popping up the USA if we do not take a stand. Corporations have no rights-- people have rights. See sweatshop links. 2) Racial segregation is alive and well in America today. African-American children live in separate neighborhoods from white children, and attend poorer-quality schools than the average white child. See race relations links. 3) Why are the Americans killing Iraquis, when the Iraquis are not killing Americans? For our national interest? Is it okay for America to intentionally kill people in order to support the American national interests? Perhaps it is also okay for Iraq to intentionally kill people in order to support its interests. Then we are back to "might makes right," which is barbarism. Yet we call ourselves civilized. See USA-Iraq war links. You can't believe everything you read. And yet we must trust that people are honest sometimes, or else how could we learn anything from other people? Outside Links:
Do governments respect human rights? See the Amnesty International home page. Are children in Latin America brutalized and murdered by police? See
Casa Alianza/Covenant House Latin America. Is Fred Hampton, Jr. a political prisoner in the USA? Is the US government trying to steal more Native American lands? See the Dineh Web site.
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