Barry Spacks

Jean Kent

Coral Hull

Ted Slade of Poetry Kit

Marvin Bell

Larry Jaffe

CK Tower of Conspire

John Tranter

John Kinsella

Robert Kinsley

George Simmers of Snakeskin

Arthur Symons

Gerald England

Peter Horn

Jennifer Ley

Peter Nicholson

Peter Howard

Kim Addonizio

Karen Alkalay-Gut Alison Croggon  
Claudia Grinnell Rachael Dacus Beth Houston John Carle of Gravity Christian Simon Cindy Bosley Lola Haskins Michael Graber
Karen Masullo George Bowering André Brink Miroslav Holub Joy Howard Ray Saitz Natan Zach Liv Lundberg
A.E. Stallings Rhina P. Espaillat Michael Rothenberg of Big Bridge Andrea Garland Neca Stoller of Haiku Cupboard Frank Matagrano Simon GeraghtyC. E. Laine
Ron Pavellas Susan Maree Jeavons of The Word Charmers Tim Somers Michael Yates Teresa White K.M. Dersley of Ragged Edge
Wes Hyde J Matthew Waters of mostlyPOETRY Luke Breit Sherry Saye Talan Memmott of Beehive Suzanne Frischkorn
Brian Robertson of Poetry Tonight EE Bunny of Stirring Magazine Scott Galloway of The Central California Poetry Journal Jacob Arnold of Gridface Byron L. Sacre Jim Gleacher Wm. F. Adams, Jr.
Scott Goebel of Red Crow Janet Buck Jeffery Beam of Oyster Boy Review Sandy McKinney Linda Crespi Julie Damerell
Martin Downs of Alicubi Journal Trevor Reeves of Southern Ocean Review Pif Magazine's Poetry Editor, Anne Doolittle Tom Dooley of Eclectica Shann Palmer Kay Day of Suite 101 Jeannine A. Shackelton Doug Tanoury of Funky Dog Publishing
C.E. Chaffin of The Melic Review Eric Blomquist of Sonnet Central B.Benepe of The Horsethief's Journal Dancing Bear of Disquieting Muses Esmond Jones of PANDA
Ward Kelley Michaela A. Gabriel of Niederngasse Larry Sawyer Alan Kaufman Duane Locke Izabel Sonia Ganz Dale Edmands Mar Walker of Metaphoratorium
Jerry H. Jenkins Georgia Popoff Stazja McFadyen Christine L. Reed of Maelstrom Susan Ellis of Moondance Jim Hartsell of wintersong Donna Michele Hill Ninian's Poetry Cafe Erminia Passannanti
Linda Everett of FZQ Mark Everett of (this) poetry site Billy Marshall Stoneking Christina Conrad Joy Yourcenar of Mythologies David Barnes of Poetry Downunder Jennifer Reeser Jen Ross of Mentress Moon
RD Armstrong of LUMMOX Journal David Castleman of The Mandrake Press Cornel Lengyel of The Mandrake Press Leo Yankevich of The Mandrake Press Carolyn and Alexandra Smale Peter Conners Andrena Zawinski of Poetry Magazine Mary Barnet, Editor-In-Chief of Poetry Magazine
Lamon Cull of The New Formalist Enrique Sacerio-Gari Larry Fontenot Colleen Ryor of The Adirondack Review Hal Sirowitz Martin Blyth Mike Burrow of HAWKWIND

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