Hi, my name is Sally Ann Nobrega. I'm from the small city of
Gardner, Massachusetts, but since no one ever knows where that
is I have a map for you to look at. I've been living in
Massachusetts for almost 21 years now so I'm looking for
somewhere else to go. I like to travel a bit and have visited
several cool places in the US. I'm looking forward to going
abroad in the future but there are still so many places I need
to see in the States before I head out.

My interests are quite varied. When I'm not at home in Gardner
(which is not much at all these days) I'm living it up at UMass-Amherst.
UMass wasn't my first choice school, but now that I've been here
for three years it's been pretty good. I've met a lot of great people
and found a lot of fun stuff to do here. From the marching band to
my fraternity (yes, I said fraternity) I'm pretty busy. And I have
a wonderful boyfriend, Julio, who keeps me busy when I'm not busy with
school and other activities.

Official Site of the Boston Redsox
Alpha Phi Omega - Headquarters
University of Massachusetts
Alpha Phi Omega - Kappa Omicron
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