Assorted comments, disquisitions, rants, raves, opinons, personal essays, anecdotes, musings, recollections, memories, reviews and revisions, thoughts, reactions, mumblings and grumblings, etc. Sometimes with photographs. The opinions expressed here may be mine but you are welcome to share them (or not).

Growing old on the Internet: Sept. '05 will mark my 9th anniversary of online rambling and babbling

I've moved to my own domain now -- jimsjournal.com --
so effective 08/14/04 you can find me at www.jimsjournal.com -- New stuff is there and my archives are here.

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The latest entry:
One week to JournalCon -- 08/13/04

Some Recent Entries

London: 1979 (continued) -- 07/02/04
Firecracker 4 -- 07/04/04
Catching up -- 07/11/04
Coloring a map -- 07/17/04
I didn't skip Monday -- 07/19/04
Sammy is one today -- 07/20/04
Swamp Yankee Furniture -- 07/23/04
Cloudy Sunday -- 07/25/04
Three weeks to JournalCon -- 07/30/04
Sammy in Rhode Island -- 08/02/04
Two weeks to JournalCon -- 08/06/04

My First Entry:
September 26, 1996

Notify List
Yeah, the usual kind of thing... no need to keep checking to see if there is a new entry; I've got a notify list. It is a hand-made list (so no need to join e-groups, no advertising, etc. other than whatever promotional stuff Yahoo adds to email) and I'll send it using bcc so nobody will see your email address. Interested? Drop me a note: jimsjournal@yahoo.com (And, of course, escape from the list in the same way.)

Click for larger picture
Me and my Beetle... in 1965
      (Click on picture to enlarge)

Jane, Nance and Robyn
Three smart and sassy women solve the world's problems with common sense, humor and a surprising amount of sincerity.
Check them out. 

Webrings and such:

Member of Speak Freely Webring:

. ? . Speak Freely . # .

Member of Autumn Leaves Burb:

Click for Autumn Leave Burb
A 'burb for online journals whose authors have reached 55 or beyond

Member Open Pages:

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Click to visit the HandsProject

The Online Diary History Project

Click for Online Diary History Project
Check it out... A history of online diaries and journals. I've got an entry under the section on personal recollections.
Click for Providence, Rhode Island Forecast