Monday, October 20, 1998
This page has been inactive for over a year. I would like to get it started again but need some assistance. To express your interest or to make a submission, please write to writer1@bigfoot.comMember of the Internet Link Exchange | Free Home Pages at GeoCities |
Welcome to Writer's World - a site dedicated to giving unknown writers the exposure they deserve. It offers an oportunity for youto have your work to be read and critiqued by many different people and, hopefully, get some positive feedback.
Submissions to Writer's World should be sent via e-mail to and perferably include a small bio of the author with an e-mail address to which comments may be directed. However, anonymous submissions will also be accepted and arangements can be made to forward comments from this site's e-mail address to you.
The preferable length for submissions is no more than 2500 words. Longer submissions will be considered for publication in multiple parts.
For more detailed information you may wish to read about our Policies.
Good luck and get writng!
Important: to truly enjoy this site you will need the following font files Kids, Ransom, Epilog
and Tom's Handwriting.
Go here for information on how to install the fonts or to see how they look. Trust me it's worth the effort!!!
Current offerings:
Previous selections are, of course, available in the Writer's World Archives.
We all hope that you will enjoy these works and that you will take the time e-mail your comments to the author.
Thank You!
© 1996 Bryan W. Ingram. Page design courtesy of Newbie Computer Technologies , a division of DreamScape Publishing Inc.
Comments, questions or suggestions may be directed to the webmaster at:
Legal Stuff
By making a submission to Writer's World, the author of the sumission agrees to the following terms and conditions:
1. Writer's World and/or its creator, Bryan W. Ingram, reserves the right to refuse publication for any reason.
2. Writer's World and/or its creator, Bryan W. Ingram, reserves the right to edit any submission if it is deemed appropriate.
3. Recognizes that any similarity between his/her submission and future work by the staff of Writer's World and/or its creator, Bryan W. Ingram, is purely coincidental and waives all possible legal proceedings, including copyright infringement, against the same.
(This is just a percaution certainly no one from Writer's World will steal your work).
4. The copyright of a submission shall remain the sole property of its author. However, Writer's World and/or it creator, Bryan W. Ingram, reserves the right to use any portion of a submission in a review or advertisement of Writer's World, if it is deemed appropriate.
5. Writer's World, its staff and/or its creator, Bryan W. Ingram, assume no responsibility for the content of submissions contained herein, or any subsequent psychological, emotional or physical effect they may have on the reader.
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