The Dirty Sponge
"every open eye is not seeing, and every closed eye is not blind" -grandpa huxtable
Hi! Welcome to the Dirty Sponge. Here you can find a plethora
of poetry, a selection of short stories, some letters here and there that are about
this and that, and even an occasional splurge. You'll also come across my lil
tells you why and how the sponge began. Stroll around and read what you like. You can
also submit any of your writings for publication. Grab a doughnut, a chair, and your mouse,
and have fun!

Mail any suggestions, comments, or questions to The Dirty Sponge. For Submission of any type of writing, click here.
All writings are copyrighted to their respective owners.
Last updated September 3, 1997.
The Dirty Sponge is created and maintained by Jen Nitkowski, who at the present time is in love with the world.
The Sponge supports anti-censorship! Click on the Peacefire to visit this anti-censorship organization for teenagers..and non-teenagers. 
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