The Seacoast Artist Association is a non-profit, community-active group of artists and people interested in art, based in the Seacoast area of New Hampshire, USA. Working to promote art appreciation and services, the Association encourages artists of all ages and mediums. Admission as a member is non-juried. A primary concern of the Association is a Scholarship Fund for the benefit of Seacoast area high school seniors interested in the further pursuit of art. Students present their portfolios for judging in April of each year. In our Geocities home here in SoHo, you can find information about our on-going activities and events... and see some of our work. Welcome, and enjoy your visit!
NOTE: Don't miss the Silent Auction and Mini Antique Road Show, featuring Art and Antiques, being held Friday November 12th from 4pm to 8pm at St. Theresa's Parish Center, Central Road, Rye Beach, NH. This exciting event will benefit SHARE,(Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity, Haiti). Call Ann Moore for details at (603) 964-1982.
Other good places to visit...
Any questions/comments, or if you would like to join the Association (or contribute to our scholarship fund)... please go ahead and send us e-mail; and please remember, all art displayed on these pages is the copyrighted property of the individual artists...and may not be reproduced or used in any way without written permission from the artist.
© 1996
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