Some of the graphics on this page were created by the good folks at
[KrystalRose Designs!]

Gallery last updated 8/28/97
I would like to proudly announce that the Krystal Gallery has taken
up residence in a nice little town by the name of Briar Hill! The
town is located just down the beaten path from
I will also be taking up a personal residence
there as well, so stop by for a cuppa tea sometime!
In love-n-light
"Here's a recent photo of me!"
Here's also a picture of my "bestest" friend and business partner, Kim!
I am placing this candle here for Toni Bachman, a very special
person who has been missing since April 27th, 1997.

Click on the candle to find out
more of her story.

Click picture for a larger version and the history of Rial.
The picture above is a computer generated graphic depicting the
planet of Rial. A fictional place in a fantasy/adventure novel I am writing.
You can also review the first couple chapters of the novel by
[clicking here.]

When you are through touring our gallery, why not send a
to a friend? The postage is free, courtesy of the folks
at [KrystalRose Designs!]
I hope you will find much enjoyment here at the Krystal Gallery!
I have tried to offer a sampling here on my main page of the treats
that await you upon entering the gallery. I sincerely hope you will browse at your leisure.
This page best viewed
with any browser!
(In an attempt to make this site accessible to all
I have incorporated the use of brackets [ ] to define links
and to have most links on their own lines for easier speech access
to the visually impaired.)
I have put some special [links] on a
separate page that are metaphysical and self-empowering by nature.
I hope they will bring you joy. At the top of the links page, I
have also shared the few awards I've gotten.

All of the works in this gallery that are by D.L.Frost have
specific copyright restrictions. Please read the following
info. For all other artists works please refer to them
personally for their coryright info.

"Daddy's Home!"
by D.Frost '94
Pastel on paper
I am a puzzle--a puzzle am I
I walk 'round this earth
I laugh and I cry
I am a shadow--a shadow am I
I glide round the oak trees
I pass no one by
I am a whisper--a whisper am I
I soar on the breezes
Up toward the sky
I am a question--a question am I
I cannot be answered
I know not why
by D.Frost
Stop over and send healing light to those who desperately need it.
You may also add a friend or loved one to the list.
As a blonde (and the topic of many jokes) I feel I have a right to share
a little story with you.
"Blonde is a state of mind"
My garage was once used as a practice place for a friend's band.
a break, while my "brunette" friend and I were having a smoke,
friend entered the kitchen and asked, "Has anyone seen my
white lighter?"
My friend quickly replied, "I don't know. What color is it?"
© 1996 morcael@wfeca.net
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1997 KrystalRose Designs: http://www.krystalrose.com