Welcome to the KPT Café. This is a KPT/Bryce gang hangout in GeoCities SoHo. It is in evolution toward becoming a gallery space and graphics tip library where we can learn from each other; last updated 14 July 97.
Meet Bryce and KPT users in YOUR area
Holiday scenes and tree ornaments
Join Project GOO
Turn your GOOvies into animated GIFs
3D Models for Bryce!
Quilt Project: Bryce Island
VR special interest group (SoHo 4906)
If you'd like to help with any of these sites, volunteer time or ideas to KKRupp or KPTRena.
Furnishings: Views of the Café
Gallery: Art on the walls - 10 images so far!
Guestbook: Put up your feet and sign in
Members' List
HTML/Web Graphics Help
COMING SOON (with your help)
Movie or music clips, Geocities chat nights...
How to execute the secret handshake...
Sculpture wanted! We are looking for artists who want to display their objects, in QTVR or RealVR, in the café.
Please check out SoHo Chat if you haven't already, and let KPTRena know if you like it/dislike it. We want to establish a chat night, possibly Fridays at 6 pm pacific, but would like to use reliable software!