"Mother of the long silences that pinned us to our chairs, where were you in your body if not here with all of us."Cathy Song "Mother of Us All" Best American Poetry 2001Last Modified: Thursday October 19, 2006
In Memoriam Margaret Jane Campbell August 10, 1914 - September 30, 2001 my mother Kenneth Edwin Kavana December 4, 1907 - April 29, 2002 my father**********************
Refashioning My Life to Please First, I paint myself. To please my mother, I sketch Shirley Temple curls. To please my father, I give them Liz Taylor's hue. The face is almost oval, the nose aquiline, jaw strong and forehead high with a light tone to the skin; no red or yellow suspect tint. In order not to disappoint, I fashion multi-colored eyes. Next, I paint a place. Sunset lakes swim an aqua sky and frame me on the wooded hill. A faint figure dots the distance. There's a clapboard house, perhaps a dog, two children playing-- one must be a red-haired girl. One child will go to church, the other won't. I'll have neighbors, but not too close this town that's not too large. Then I give life to form. He approaches, holding out his hand to mine. Our children run to join us. They never fight. The glinting sun never sets. We never cry and part. I don't grow old alone. This priceless painting hangs now in the Louvre on a newly renovated floor between Mona Lisa and Starry Night. My parents gaze at it and smile. They are happy.* *published in Explorations 2000
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