hiya!!! welcome to my little page. :) i have a whole lotta stuff for a whole lotta people! im
sure youll find SOMETHING here to suit your tastes! i recently changed this whole thing, so if you want to see my old page click on the button! :) hope you like it!!

hey! well, it seems as though you have found yourself at my page! congratulations!! *handshake*
first things first!! this page is dedicated to....



*red carpet rolls out*
and now!! for my page!!! *round of applause*

please read my story!!!!

WOW! a BRAND SPANKIN NEW guestbook! wowee! please sign it. :)
sign the amazing guestbook!
look at the amazing guestbook! :)
this guestbook added july 25 1997

this keeeeeeen counter says that you are visitor number
to my nifty little page!!!!! :)
created august 4, 1996...updated september 29, 1996...and again sometime in december...and a katrillion times after that....and again today on april 6, 1997...and RE-CREATED june 7, 1997!!!! however, it still remains under construction...
THANK YOU FOR VISITING MY PAGE!! if you sign the guestbook and leave your email address, you will get a PRIZE!!!!!! hee hee.
created by tracy, the root of all evil, the keeper of the camper, the beacon of light, the tyrant of tart, the mini cow maker, the lip balm fairy, the space cowboy, and the gangsta of love (dont ask me) otherwise known as juju bees or silly goose in chats. :)
okay, thats enough.
© 1996 jujubees@caller.infi.net