Catherine's Homepage

You are person # to fritter away valuable time looking at this web page. Get a life.

"You were fashionably sensitive but too cool to care..." -Jewel Kilcher

Home pages are so retarded. Like take my friend Kara's for example. That's retarded for you. I can't expect anyone to really care about the petty and trivial details of my meagre and pathetic existence as a tiny speck within the vast universe, so I really don't know why I bother.

But as long as you're here in the first place, you might as well take a look at what I've got.

Myself: (as I violate Dale Carnegie's principles of talking about the other person first) I like to paint my nails. (Viper, Blood Red, and Prowler are my favorite kinds) I sing when I'm alone in the house. I read the classical and modern philosophers. I engage in activities that would make most of you judge me for a total geek. If you want a more detailed description (though frankly, I can't imagine why) then try my Page of Shameless Self-Promotion It has some cool links hidden in there as well (enticements for you to learn about me and my life) .

If you have a really badass computer system, then try this page- all of the pictures make it really hard to load, I'm warning you, but I think that it's worth it to see all of my beautiful friends. Check out The Insane Individuals .

Here comes one of the activities which may make you judge me as a total geek (the other one being that I take the time to build a web page) -- my connection with debate. One of my first academic loves is the Blacksburg High School Debate Team.

I try to be broad minded and open and tolerant, except when it comes to people who are wrong. Just kidding about that last bit there. So I'm trying to provide a balanced view of the subjects that I choose to discuss on a web page, but understand that they are of course slanted towards my personal views.

Religion--the opiate of the masses. Karl Marx certainly was right. And no where is this proved more true than our nation today, where so many seem to think that the mere act of sitting in a pew for an hour and a half on Sundays will absolve their immortal soul from the suburban sins of envy and sloth and protect them from eternal damnation. Well, if it makes you happy. At least take a look at my views on Religion and Faith.

Aristotle said that there were two types of rule by the people. The corrupt, worthless, and bad sort was called a democracy. Yet somehow we have forgotten the flaws in our government, and wrap the old red, white, and blue around us as some sort of talisman against the 'evils' of other schools of thought. More about varying concepts of government, ours in particular, in Politics and Patriotism.

I like music. I like to listen to it, I like to (attempt) to play it, I like to sing it, I just like it. My Music page chronicles my forays in groupie-dom and my typical teenage experimentation with mainstream angst.

Though sometimes my submersion in the Establishment leaves me precious little time for such pursuits (one must support the status quo if one hopes to be in the upper echelons someday), I enjoy activism. The Web is a wonderful resource in this sense, so here's what I've found in my sporadic searches...Activism.

Way down here at the bottom of the page (I guess I was subconsciously trying to hide it and still say it was on my page) I have my pathetic attempts at literature. (and I use that term loosely) I'm trying here, people. So here are My Writings.

PS All the way up at the top of this page, I was talking some smack about my pal Kara's homepage, none of which I meant for you to take seriously. Actually, her page rules the earth, and puts mine to shame. In fact, what the hell are you doing reading this page? Go visit Kara's Dive, it's much cooler.

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Way down here at the bottom of this page is where I'll stick this bit of nonsense from 10th grade English class. I spent way too much time on this project to delete it in a cavalier fashion, so go look at it or something. You might learn something about "The Inferno" by Dante Aligheri Here's my On-Line Inferno.