* Featuring: "Nothing But Drivel" *


As Dracula once said: "I bid you welcome!" I am the senile....er..senior (well....actually both) member of this Institution. At the age of 73 I have garnered much knowledge over (& under) the years. I am known by my students as "The Drivel Master" but really... I am Professor I. Drivel. Again (as Dracula would have said if he had repeated himself) "I bid you welcome!" And finally, remember......er. As I was saying...or was I?

*** ATTENTION! ***

The Author of this page is oblivious to any errors in spelling and shall
remain so for the duration of oblivion. Thank you very much!

*** Enter The Door On Your Left! ***

The Carole Halper Wing

The Front Door To Drivel

The Back Door To Drivel

The Side Door To Drivel

Science Department

Poetry Department

The Basement

The Attic

  • Silly Little Newsgroup


    I'm lost in the Twilight Zone!

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