Welcome to WoodSnake65's Web Page


Thanks for stopping by my Web Page. Please take the time to sign my GuestBook.

You may be asking your self why does he call himself WoodSnake65. I was born in the year of the Snake and my element is wood, there for WoodSnake65 was born.

I have lived in San Diego, California since 1985 when I first was stationed here in the Navy. I served 8 years doing communications using satelites and Hf transmitters. I now work at UCSD Medical Center in the telecommunications department since 1995.

My hobbies include drawing and painting. I also enjoy photography and of course messing around with my PC. My 3rd page is some of the things I have done.

Please let me know what you think of my page and feel free to make any suggestions about my Web Page when you sign my GuestBook.

Special thanks to my Very special friend Shawnee for helping me with the problems I had with my page and for making the banner for me and also for the Image special effects om my page 4


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"PAGE 2"...My Pictures

"PAGE 3"...My Work

"PAGE 4"...My Bio
(Snake sheds)

"PAGE 5"...Various Animated Gif's

"PAGE 6"...Various Midi Files to listen to

"Someone Else"...Lyrics of a song I like

Webrings and Awards

Warner Enterprises Gift Shop for any occassion

Shawnee's Web Page

Jeramac's Web Page