Hello. You have reached my home page, still under construction. Me being the CEO and everything of this whole endeavor, Scott J. Beckerman. I am a native Detroiter and a graduate student at Wright State University in Dayton *gag* Ohio. I am a writer by trade, but am willing to learn as long as the cash follows.
Cash is very, very good. So are your checks.
This is a photo of me feeding a goat. This is as rural as this city boy gets.
Back off. She is mine. She just doesn't know it yet.
This is my automobile. The car I currently drive. A 94 Eagle Talon. It is totally jinxed, but is still a great car.
Update--I now drive a 1996 Eagle Talon. Same color, a little different body design. Yee haw
This is SCARLET, the car I had before the current one came into being. It was a great car. We had been through so much together.
These are the two dogs I used to have. The little cockapoo is Pookey. She could talk. The English Sheepdog is Lady Macbeth. She could not talk, but she could catch a tennis ball in her mouth.
These are my two current dogs. Joey, on the left, is a bearded collie. Max is an English Sheepdog. Look carefully at Joey,then look at the artist's sketch of the Unabomber. I am convinced it was not Mr. Kaczinski, but my dog.
Links to other sites on the Web
Orbit magazine, the best magazine in the world (certainly the coolest) and my former employer
The best magazine you have to pay for in the world...
The band from Minneapolis that couldn't
The greatest beverages in the world are found here....
Learn more about my car...
© 1996 s008sjb@desire.wright.edu