
santas trees snowmen
reindeer greetings wreaths & stockings
lights  scenes & misc. religious
bars & lines grinches  Hanukkah


To add an image to your e-mail or homepage,
use the following tag:

<html><img src=

For example: the tag for the hopping santa would be:

<html><img src=

Remember...you can change the size of your image by using the "width" attribute.

For example, the two trees below are the same gif:

By including the width, you can control the size and increase the speed of loading. If you don't know the width, just experiment! 50 is small, 600 is the whole screen...you figure it out! Here is how you include the width in your tag:

<html><img src=
"http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/3039/tree1.gif" width=130>

For more Holiday gifs, visit

Draac's Holiday Madness and

Big Daddy's Free Gifs