Chelis Camargo: Artificial Intelligence Project and MIT Recomendations
Currently working for IBM and having fun with Websphere Portal Performance Tuning when not doing architecture work, UML or performance modeling, capacity planning for mainframe and distributed(IBM Rocks :-)).
Love my wife and son and learning new things every day in 
Zeitgeist mode ... I am glad to say Dr. Richard Wallace was the first to come from out of state to see my son. That is an honor because he is the coolest person and one of the smartest cookies I have ever known.

Minha familia no Brasil e agora da minha esposa ta sempre na nossa mente!
Links to my son Thiago/Videos do Thiago
AI Robotic Project: A Body 4 ALICE:2003
Links to MIT AI OCW recommendations
Old 1994 website with some Java

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