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Florian Trappmannīs Homepage

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Hi everybody, my name is Florian Trappmann, Iīm 25 years old,
student at the
University of Bochum and what else do you need to know?
(Ok, that was the part for your parents. And donīt tell them youīve accessed my homepage. Iīm one of those your parents always warned you of!)

Usualy, when Iīm not at the hospital, where Iīm working as a volunteer for a Brain-Removal-Experiment I stay at home and play with myself or I hang out with some hillbillies downtown in Dortmund - thatīs in Germany by the way.

Well, there is almost nothing less important to me than my studies and what else can I do but wasting my time, doing some sloppy graphics and creating some lousy HTML documents? If you want to support your Telephone company you can have a look at some logos i did for demos
- almost free of charge (3$/kb - ask billpayers permission:)

The real intimate stuff
Family & Friends
Some samples of my graphics
Some useless Links

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