Fantasy Art Gallery
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Prosthetics and monster making

Miniatures, Metalwork and Jewellery

Mike Strick

Copyright Information


Dragon Dice
Creation Zone Games Projects
Miniature Figures


To thank you for visiting Creation Zone, here is a bonus for any retro-gamers out there. It is a 50 level platformer that I wrote on an 8088, back when that was an acceptable sort of PC. The game has an H.P. Lovecraftian theme that may appeal despite the now somewhat primitive looking graphics. It is also pretty tough but yes, it is possible, although I know of very few people who have ever (legitimately) completed it.

View some screen shots

Download Caverns of Madness (55k zipped)

Check the enclosed README.TXT file for more info before playing it.

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Internet Link Exchange

Member of the Internet Link Exchange

Mike Strick

This site is updated regularly. Please visit again soon.

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Copyright Information

All files, images and artwork on this site, including backgrounds, buttons, icons and animations are copyright ©(C) 1996/7 Mike Strick.
Images may not be reproduced without the permission of Mike Strick. E-mail:

Please note that I will almost always give permission, but I do like to know where my work is being used. Since this site is, in effect an on-line portfolio, it is important to me that if its contents are used elsewhere, people are aware of its source. Because of this, I request that a note giving my name and contact details be included, preferably with a link to this site.

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