Please note!
We're changing site locations. come visit us now at www.in-the-wall.com for the most current information. We won't be updating the Geocities site anymore, and eventually it will make way for a personal site with some of Chris's literary works, translations, etc. For now, there is still some stuff here that you won't find at our new location. So on with the show ... We got home one night ...after some recording sessions for our first album, Haiku Rd.
After a great deal of deliberation, it was decided that the version of “The Edge of the World” we had just finished recording was, to put it mildly, crap. I admitted that perhaps it was a bit slow, and certainly lacked the fire of our live presentation of the song. However, I countered, sensing a mutiny on my hands, it wasn’t
that bad, and besides, we didn’t really have the money to fix it.
I was out-voted, and despite the fact that I was in a huff for the next
few days, I had to grudgingly admit that the new version basically wiped its rear end with the first one. However, with the passage of some time, I’m still not satisfied. Sure, it’s faster, and has a lot more
energy, but it still doesn’t have the all-out punk feel it does when we play it live, and the tempo wanders all over the place, and ... well,
there are lots of ‘and’s. So I decided to tweak it. A lot. The result is the Neon Mix, which you can listen to or buy from http://www.mp3.com/hadrianswall. It’s dancy, it’s
electronic, and it’s even a little bit funny. And it was a lot of work. Meanwhile, stick around and have a look at our site. Read the news it’s a little more
concrete than the news has been these last few months, and we’re excited). Have a listen to some of our music. Look at pretty pictures. Read lyrics. Leave a message or read a few from our message board. Above all, however, have fun!
 --Chris Devine, lead singer/guitarist/songwriter/keyboardist and head ego
P.S. Big news! We’ll be performing our first scheduled gig in almost five years very shortly! If
you can make it to Salem, OR, on Sunday, Sept. 5, please do! Richard and I will be playing the Coffee House Cafe, 135 Liberty Street, from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. For more info, call 503-371-6768. Visit our presence on mp3.com, too. You can get a version of our CD from them, through their DAM program. Also, check out www.celtictv.com: lots of live performances, streaming audio, etc. It’s rather a nice site. Please note:
If you got here thinking we were the Canadian band, please visit their web site at http://www.hadrianswall.net
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