Hi! If you know me, or accidently stumbled in here... thanks for stopping by. Hopefully, you'll find something in here that interests you.
My new photography page is located at: www.digital-emulsion.net

I'm 26 years old. I graduated last year from Cal State Fullerton with a BA in Communications (TV/Film) and minors in English and Computer Science. While not out skiing or taking pictures, I'm busy programming video games. For the past three years I've worked on an assortment of projects including Dinosaurs for Hire, Eternal Champions, and Star Wars 32X for Sega, a game engine for the Sony PSX, and Mortal Kombat Trilogy for the Sega Saturn.

Atari Computer Stuff - I started programming games professionally in 1992 after spending most of my time hacking around on the old Atari computers. If you're an Atari user, I've got a couple of programs (with source code) in here that you can grab.
Photo Gallery - A selection of color and black and white landscape pictures and portraits that I've taken and printed in my darkroom.
Coming Soon:
Disneyland - An Insider's View - My first "real" job was an attractions host at Disneyland. What a better place to work than at the Magic Kingdom --- or so I thought. Click here to get the scoop on Flight #101 - the "official" newsletter of the Star Tours Summer of 1989 Night Crew and the World Famous Tomorrowland Area Videos!

Do you ski? Check out the latest ski reports for Southern California. at the Southland Ski Server. My favorite ski spot is Vail, Colorado.
There's Rage and Magic stuff at Scott Hudson's Home Page.
Last Updated: Saturday, August 9, 1997
Questions or comments? Contact me via: www.digital-emulsion.net
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since March 5th, 1996.