Last updated: 0004.06
Greetings Fellow Denizens of the WEB!
I am Blade, a 499 year old immortal born in 1501 in a small village near Cadiz, Spain.
Read more about me, The Legend of Blade
I have been many things in my life: A soldier, a warrior, a musician, an actor, a lover, a comic, a poet , a father and a dadA song writer and singer.
As you can see I'm still building this page. Your patience is appreciated. Regular features I intend to have here are:
JOKES du JOUR are now all located on the Joke Page
Fencing Humor: Fencing Humor
Thought for the Day:
There are only two things we can really leave behind here when we die, the love we shared or the hate we inspired. The legacy you leave is up to you.
Picture this........
A guy is in the doctors office with a huge bandage on his back. Doctor, "Well it's gotta come off...Do you want I should pull fast or slow?"
A guy the doctors office with huge red dots all over his hace and body. The doctor's load a pistol says, "I'm sure you understand that we can't have you starting an epidemic."
A guy laying mangled in the snow after an apparent skiing accident. Rescue person, "I'm sorry but I have to see a proof of insurance card before we move you."
If violence on television causes crime on the street, then how come with so much comedy on television, it there isn't more comedy in the streets?
If violence on television causes crime on the street, then how come with so much sex on television, it there isn't more sex in the streets?
Because there is so much sex and comedy on the television, it causes women to laugh in the bed room! Or at least that's what she said.
A reformed(?) warrior's prayer:
Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I had to kill because they pissed me off.
What am I up to?
Here are some links to people and things I like.
Links to some of my favorite people on the Web
Sabby My Cyberlady and friend.
Roland .He's like a son.
Be afraid....Be very afraid.... These ladies all know how to use swords. Quite well I might add...I taught them.
Angi: one of my most favorite people. I miss her!
Penny (aka "Spud") Another fencer. Annette Funicello on steroids? NO!!!! A shorter version of XENA, Warrior Princess!!!! She's sooo cute!... *ducking* ...Kick Ass Babe!!!!
Links to other sites on the Web
United States Fencing Association
Warner Robins Fencing Societie
1998 Silver Medal Epee Team!
1997 Champion Epee Team!
Wesleyan College. The First Women's College
World Web Wrestling Federation Grudge Match
Drum Corps International
Univ. of So. Carolina Alumni Assoc. My alma mater (and Hootie & the Blowfish and Rick Wakeman (Keyboards for YES, Synergy, & solo)) . Carolina must be a musical kind of place. Side note: For you martial arts fans. Also home of Keith and Steve Vitalli (Keith 3 or 4 times world heavy weight point karate champion and movie star?. Steve twice national champion. Both former sparing partners of mine.
I'd like to hear from you. Send your (credit) cards and letters (with money) to Blade
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