N e w T i p s A d d e d
You asked for it! You got it! More tips are on the way.
Check out the tips section for more great tips from photoshop guru's around the web. Also, be sure to check out
the many NEW Photoshop books in the Bookstore. If you have any questions or comments about the site, e-mail
me at compboywonder@hotmail.com
or you can reach me on ICQ: #4964362
A c t i o n s ! G e t y o u r A c t i o n s !
Hot off the presses comes 40 more actions by elated.com, and several others
by various action creators. Be sure to stop by and download a few of the excellent new actions as well as the countless other
actions offered on this site.
c l i c k t o v i e w
N e w P a g e
L a y o u t
Those who frequent my site
will notice a new and much easier to use layout. In an effort to create
an easier to use site as well as add new areas to the site, I needed
to completely redesign the site from the ground up. New additions to
the site are the Filters, HTML and Gallery sections. If you have any
questions or comments about the site, e-mail me at compboywonder@hotmail.com
or you can reach me on ICQ: #4964362
E r i c k F i n k e
's - A c t i o n s
Erick Finke has created four
sets of 24 actions for use with Kai's Power Tools and Kai's Actions
to create every type effect imaginable. get the actions here
or go to Erick's site
for details about each action. Requires KPT & Kai's Actions.
c l i c k t o v i e w
W r a p p i n g
T y p e
manipulating text around objects
in Photoshop has never been easy to do, but follow this tip and you
too can wrap type around any object
c l i c k t o v i e w
F R E E F o n
t s
Fonts supplied with Windows95
just not cutting it? Add these free fonts to your stock pile and be
sure to check back for the latest additions to this ever growing collection
of FREE fonts
c l i c k t o v i e w
A u t o F X
P l u g i n s
WebVise Totality is
a suite of 6 Photoshop plug-ins and stand alone applications which give
you the power to create killer web graphics fast and easy. WebVise Totality
offers over 40 unique features not found in any other software suite.
Find out about WebVise Totality and the many other plugins offered by
Auto F/X
c l i c k
t o v i e w
P o l k a D o t s
Ustinov, creator of Cooltype shows
us how to create a dot gradient effect. so get out those Polka records
and lets POLKA.
c l i c k t o v i e w

Copyright © 2002 by Jeff Park and Wedgeworks Media