You are the
person to be SCMPOO'd

To find out some more about SCMPOO, and what it is!

Download SCMPOO (Screen Mate Poo) Here!

This is an altered English version of SCMPOO, the original Japanese version and many other cool products can be found at Village Center inc.

Email us for information on your unofficial SCMPOO T-Shirt's!....HAVE YOU BEEN SCMPOO'D YET?


Mail SCMPOO at scmpoo@hotmail.com

This page has been a joint venture by Platy99 and Mr Bunny!

inspiration by,

For the record, I would
just like to add that no SCMPOO's where hurt or killed during the creation
of this web page,.... although 3 Spontainiously combusted and 1 was suspected
to have been abducted by tall blue aliens.

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