Chong Jiayi's Bolt3D engine

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Welcome to the Bolt3D home page. I am a guy living in Singapore that wrote this Engine. Bolt3D is a real-time 3D engine for the Win32 platform. It can do real-time gouraud, phong, texture-mapping and particle systems. This is version 1 of the engine that you can download FREE of charge. Bolt3D requires a pentium 90 and 16MB RAM to run. It has been tested on the win95 platform. The goal is to write a 3D SDK like Direct3D or OpenGL that game developers and graphics programmers can use and integrate into their apps with ease.

Bolt 3D supports the following features:

  • Gouraud Shading
  • Phong Shading
  • Specular Reflection
  • Texture-Mapping
  • Fast Bilinear-Filtering... almost as fast as MMX code...
  • Surface-Mapping for the modelling of rusty surfaces
  • Artificial Spotlights
  • Fog effects
  • Creation of objects like spheres, cones,sweeps cubes etc.
  • Creation of objects like height fields(extrusion of a 2D image)
  • Particle systems for the rendering of smoke, bubbles...
  • Wave Surface deformation
  • Support for both 8 and 24-bit color formats...
  • Support for Visual C++, Visual Basic and Delphi...
  • Real-time Transperancy...
  • Hardware Acceleration Via D3D(DirectX 5.0 and above)...

    Here are a couple of screen shots:

    This is the modeller displaying a *.b3d file... Textures are Bilinear-Filtered in real time...

    A flythrough of a volcanic region...fasten your seatbelts!

    An island flythrough with a balloon...

    Texture-mapping and particle systems for smoke.

    Surface-Mapping... notice the flaky surface. The particle systems here are used for the bubbles.

    Wave Surface Deformation and multiple artificial spotlights... This is a sphere-like object being deformed... You have to see the animation to truly visualise the deformation...

    A complex high polygon-count fractal landscape complete with transluscent clouds and moving sloshing waves! All done in real-time using Direct3D Hardware acceleration....

    Another one of those high-polygon count real-time fractal landscape flythroughs!

    Click here to download Bolt3D SDK (1.62 meg)

    Click here to download Bolt3D(1.2 meg) from

    Click here to download Bolt3D(small version, 0.3 meg. Contains only library and modeller.)

    Click here for Questions and Answers!

    Download the source which will probably get you started on a Bolt3D app...
    Click here for Viewer.exe source code!

    Click here for Viewer.exe source Tutorial!

    Click here for Tidal Avalaunche(a game using Bolt3D which I am involved in)!

    Click here for Visual Basic headers and code!(version 5.0)

    Updated Info:

    This is the final version of Bolt3D... I think you guys will find the hardware acceleration part most exciting!
    Great news.... Bolt3D is now being used to make a real-time 3D strategy game. The game's called Tidal Avalaunche and it's based in an underwater enviroment with subs and underwater cities!
    You can navigate through flight3D! Just use the "<" and ">" to turn left and right. Check out flight3D 2!! It has a really COOL island flythrough demo with a balloon and an airship!!

    Instructions after file is downloaded:

    The zip file contains the library, the header file and 3 examples. They include a flythrough of a volcanic landscape, a viewer for particle systems and surface mapping and a modeller that you can use to model and create objects. Unzip the file and copy all *.bmp files into your c:\windows directory. If you don't have one you'll have to create one. Copy the file bolt3d.dll into your windows\system directory.
    The documentation is still incomplete so I'll update it when I have the time. In order to compile your applications with Bolt3D, you'll need to link to the library bolt3d.lib and include the header file blast3d.h. Notes:For viewer.exe, click on particle systems menu to set the kind of particle systems, then click on format for 24-bit or 256 color format. After that, you can click on the screen to start the demo. Click on render mode to toggle the rendering modes. I have recompiled all the apps and statically linked them to the mfc library so they should run now. E-mail me if you have any further problems. As for mod3d.exe, it ran well on all machines I tested so far so I'm still trying to figure out why it crashed on some people's machines. I am quite busy writing a paper for this engine right now so I might not have the time to update the documentation. Still take a look at bolt3d.doc to see how you can utilise the library. It lacks texure-mapping and surface-mapping docs.

    Some Links:
    ---My Friend Ho Lianyi's page. Oasis fan like me!
    ---My Friend James Fu's page. Cool animations.
    ---The Official Bolt3D page at
    ---3D Programming / Assembly Language / C / C++, great site with lots of advice on graphics and stuff

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    send e-mail to:
    Chong Jiayi

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