Windows Software & more…

Argentina National Anthem The Home Page of Lic. Ricardo Thompson Argentina National Anthem
Here you will find many Windows applications developed my myself using Borland Delphi.

Most of the software presented here has been released as freeware. So, anyone may use this software during any period without registration of any kind. See LICENSE.TXT inside the packages for further details about the license agreement.


Screen Saver Control 1.0
232,390 bytes Win 95
Adds an icon to the System Tray to manually launch the screen saver or disable its automatic activation.
More details Mirror sites

CPUMeter 1.2
247,746 bytes Win 95
Adds an icon to the System Tray showing the current CPU usage. Also displays an accumulative report by double-clicking on the icon.
More details Mirror sites

3D Calendar 2.30
(English version)
343,602 bytes Win 95/NT
Superb desktop calendar with reminders, moon phases and holiday support. Small, versatile and fully configurable. Spanish version also available.
More details Mirror sites

Tray Clock 1.1
474,745 bytes Win 95
Spanish-spoken voice clock that stays on the System Tray. It says the time in Spanish language every time the icon is clicked. It also says the time in the minute 0 of the hour.
More details Mirror sites

Clipboard Manager 2.0
253,799 bytes Win 95
Enhances the Windows clipboard by storing all the text copied to it, allowing later retrieval through its tray icon.
More details Mirror sites

WinCop 1.0
115,504 bytes Win 3.1/95
Security guard for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95. Allows users to define a list of "restricted" applications, closing them if they are started. Also restricts the number of instances of any program, closing the last one if this number is reached.
More details Mirror sites

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More to come!
Updated November 24th, 1997
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