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A Java based proxy server. Java has nice streams and sockets. The current version 0.1 sucks. It implements telnet, thats it. This was born from necessity. I am working on version 1 which will be nicer and use a seperate class for each proxy. An HTTPProxy class etc.
The code for version 0.1 is here
Version 0.2 is here, just moved the classes into their own files. They are here:
Server Class
Relay Class
The Console Socket
The makefile will javac each class, then move all of the class files into a jar file to conserve space. To run the server, make run. This will use the java runtime to execute the Server class frim the jar file.

An extension of James Goslings sort demo applet. I added a couple of sort algorithms. I dont plan to do any more to this applet.
The demo page

This is a Mok and Ward Binary countdown protocol simulator that I wrote in c++. It uses no classes only c++ io features. It is a network stations ordering protocol.
The Source

Dr. Scheme: A scheme progeamming environment. Scheme is similar to lisp. I learned to love this language over a semester. I like the way this language handles recursion and also the fact that functions are higher order procedures. There is some power in this language. The Dr. Scheme main page is at
The Rice University Department of Computer Science
Programming Languages at SFState: Dr. Levine
Some Scheme Sources:
The rest will remain offline, the class is back in session.
List of Numbers
Curry 2
Function Composition

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Last update was really 09/30/99
