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Hearts for KDE

This is a small game that I'm writing which is a clone of Windows' Hearts game. I am doing it using KDE and ,KDevelop. Right now it is reaching the stage where I beleive someone might actually want to use it for fun. Please email me if you like it.

The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup

Here are my solution to some of the exercises in this book.


This is a list of books I have read in the last year.

Windows 95 boot up & Shutdown screens

Did you know you can change that screen that comes up when you turn your computer on saying: Windows 95 or that one when you shut it down telling you it is safe to turn off your computer? You can easily change them and use whatever you want.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get to the other side, dummy. Any child will tell you that, but in fact I have seen lots of answers, some funny, some not so.


My Links

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Luís Bento Coelho/ 14, 2000

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