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News & Updates

5 June 98 -- Looks like we're going to have a big brother. HP announced the 660LX HP/C, the big brother to the 620LX. And with a 56.6Kbps modem and 32MB RAM it looks like HP has another winner. Take a look at this preview.

2 June 98 -- Updated the link for The Pouch in the links. There is now a pouch that provides a better fit for those with the extended battery, and a brief explanation here.

27 May 98 -- Hello and Welcome! I just wanted to take a quick moment to introduce myself. My name is Jonathan Rogers, and I am the new webmaster here at the 620zone. I am very excited about it. I hope to follow the great example Fred and Scott have set and make this site a place people want to return to again and again. In the next few days I will be working on the structure and graphics of the site. I will be posting the new changes by the end of the week, and I invite all of you to come by and take a look. I plan to continue bringing you up-to-date news and software related to the greatest handheld PC to hit the market - The HP 620LX!
Thanks again, and I'll be seeing you soon!

25 May 98 -- New Updates thanks to Adamou !

  • The HP620LX is REX compatible. What is REX? Good question, it's a PCMCIA type II card which is a very small organizer as you can imagine, it has a quite big screen which is very neat. You can store up to 3000 entries with the REX 3, the REX 1 can "only" store up to 750 entries. When you put your REX in your HP620LX, you'll only have to launch a little program and all your entries are on it! So you don't have to carry your HP. The price is around 100$ and 150$ depending on the model. If you already have a REX and an HP620LX, then download the driver NOW by clicking HERE. If you want to know more about it, click HERE.
  • An article about the HP620LX is out. Specs and comparison, click HERE.
  • An article about the HP620LX and the REX is out. Click HERE.
  • If you buy a HandHeld PC or a Palm-Size PC between now and June 30, you'll receive a coupon for a FREE MS Windows98 Upgrade CD! Click HERE.

3 May 98 -- HP released a 'Month-At-A-Glance Plus Patch'. Great, it displays now all the appointments you set.

24 April 98 -- The pages are now hosted on
www.CEGate.com and the site has just moved to a host with OC-3 connectivity. Enjoy the speed from Baltimore/MD/USA.
HP released 'HP 620LX Palmtop PC Software Patch', 'Windows CE 2.1 Software Upgrade' and 'HP Service Pack 1 for Windows CE 2.0'. Follow the
link to learn more about those patches.

13 April 98 -- Fred Bouvry continues the great work that Scott Andress has done by creating this site. Scott has new projects and responsibilities thus he hasn't currently the time to update the site anymore.

3.11.98 -- New links and reseller information.

3.6.98 -- New links, tips & incompatibilities, and a new Hotkey Control Panel!

2.28.98 -- New review, pix of ROM card!

2.22.98 -- New tips, incompatibilities, and article

2.9.98 -- Four new tips, new incompatibilities, new background and article.

[Update Archive]


Where can I get an HP 620LX?

Is it possible to improve the audio recording quality?

Yes, and its easy to do. Enter the Voice Recorder application and go to the Tools menu. Select Recording Format. The Attributes menu allows you to select higher recording qualities -- the higher the Hertz (Hz) and bit depth, the higher the sound quality. This quality comes at a price, though. Higher quality means your recordings will be larger files and this will eat up your storage memory very fast.

Another technique that has helped improve audio quality is to speak as closely as possible to the microphone. This seems to help eliminate background noise.

Can you record a voice memo with the unit shut?

Yes. The LED multifunction record key is located at the center of the screen hinge and is accessed with the unit closed. This multi-function button contains an LED which indicates silent alarms and battery charge status (red or green).

How long do the batteries last? How long to recharge?

Depending on the kinds of activities done (web browsing with a PCMCIA modem vs. word-processing, etc.), users have reported between 2-5 hours of continuous use with the regular battery pack alone. A full recharge takes about 2 hours.

How are the interface and expansion ports arranged?

The right-hand side of the unit is occupied by the serial port, AC-in, Compact Flash slot, and the stylus (a button on the keyboard releases the stylus). The IrDA interface is at the right rear of the unit. The PCMCIA slot is on the left side.

How's the keyboard?

The keys are spaced well and the keyboard is slightly larger that the 360LX. Overall, the keyboard is very usable with a good amount of key resistance and responsiveness. HP says "The HP 620LX has well spaced, responsive, desktop-like keys, plus an embedded numeric keypad giving you a comfortable QWERTY keyboard which you can use all day." Plus, the "11 large quick-launch keys with easy-to-identify icons that give you quick access to your most important applications" further enhance the keyboard and interface.

Does the unit shut off automatically when you close it?

No, but on battery power it will automatically suspend itself (which, with an HPC, is the same as turning off) after the user determined idle time (1 - 5 minutes). There is also an option to enable suspend while on AC power. To further conserve battery life, you can set the screen to dim after a certain period of inactivity (15 seconds to 5 minutes).

What additional applications are included on the CDROM?

WindowsCE Services 2.0 includes an Exchange update for Windows95, Schedule+ 7.0a for Windows95, services for the desktop (which handles synching, back-up of HPC files, application install, etc.), Ethernet components for CE, Expedia Pocket Streets 2,5, Windows95 Dial-up networking upgrade (to synch with your desktop via dial-up), Pocket Powerpoint 1.0 (already installed on the 620LX ROM), and Windows95 infrared support. HP provides a CD-ROM that has an HP Palmtop Tour, an HP PIM translation utility for HP organizers, FiscalPro, a trial version of Mail on the Run, and an electronic catalogue of other software titles and accessories that are available.

Any tips or tricks for the 620?

Thanks to Walter A., Charles Houen, junime, Carlos A. Santiago, and Mark Ulrich for their contributions.

Articles of Interest

About this site

Site originally created by Scott Andress and continued by Fred Bouvry.

620 zone seeks to provide current and prospective users information specific to the HP 620LX Handheld PC. With the release of WindowsCE 2.0, the various models of H/PCs have differentiated themselves in terms of features offered, physical design, and hardware capabilities. It is not the purpose of this site to exclude anyone, but to focus on the capabilities of this unique device. Questions, comments, and submissions are always welcome and vital to this community-based site. 620 zone is designed to be accessed by desktop systems as well as Pocket Internet Explorer 2.0 enabled devices.

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Updated 05 June 1998
email: 620zone@geocities.com

620 zone is not affiliated with Microsoft or Hewlett-Packard and products referenced on this site are the sole property of their respective owners. No responsibility of any kind is taken for damage to hardware or software.

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