Major MIDI Formations,
Ranked by Size
Galaxies with a mass of at least two
kilofiles in rank order
1000 to 2000
Files Home Page

Collection 16,924
- HUGE popular music archive in Singapore space, spanning over
400 stellar groups and categories. The largest living MIDI occupied galaxy.
- MidiFarm
- One of the oldest, richest and most intelligent galaxies.
Near the center of the MIDI Universe. An advanced galactic rest stop with a simulated
rural flavor and news from MIDI country.
- KWest Productions
- Sorted by genre and band. An excellent, unpretentious source
of music from the advanced, but relaxed lifeforms inhabiting the Florida Keys.
MIDI Heaven 10,865
- After a massive attack and removal of popular music, heaven
is not quite the same. But if there is an old, public domain tune in MIDI form, it's
probably here.
MIDI Page 10,138
- Huge Taiwanese Site. Read Chinese unless you enjoy being lost
in strange lands.
- Nicolas Choukroun
8201 (claims 15,000, cannot verify)
- A major new site appeared in the sky. Wide variety along with
some Nicolas originals.
High Quality MIDI files 6356
- A broad, bold effort to create a long-lasting MIDI
civilization. Very wide ranging popular music for all species.
- The Shout
House 6207 zips
- No frills, just files. Sorted by genre and artist.
- Pinknet MIDI
Archive 5442
- A massive converted FTP site, disorganized into 10 branches.
- Midi.Net 5310
- Mostly contains files formerly from early version of Vikram's
MIDI-Fest. Has a single expandable object for transporting the entire galaxy through an
Internet worm hole.
- The Classical Midi
Archives 5375
- Outstanding, comprehensive collection, organized by composer.
Maintained by a stern perfectionist. Mind your manners or you and your neighbors will be
Midi Haven 5,101 [only
"featured sequencers" music for now]
- Trimmed down from, the largest known intelligent galaxy -
well organized by category, artist and song. Battle scarred, but still beautiful.
The Music
Database 4912 (119 zips)
- 35,000 tabs, chords and MIDIs too.
- Music and More
- A site of rapidly increasing gravity with a wide variety of
formations for musicians and their admirers.
- Sound
Gallery 4595
- Covers all forms of MIDI life with a simple sorting scheme.
Pop music (A-Z) and 12 other categories.
- The Classical Midi
Connection 4311
- Nicely organized by period and composer. For aliens with good
taste and (sigh) without robots.
- Videogame Music Archive
- This is the central mass storage site for game-music-loving
life forms.
- Midiphiles
3586 ZIPs
- Popular music sorted by artist in a no-frills site.
- TJ's MIDI File Corner
3419 ZIPs [some have disappeared]
- Composed of Modern, Jazz, Classic, and [Contemporary]
systems. Over 17,000 tunes in compressed microcosms.
- The Midcat Cafe 3326
- Amazing collection of Blues and Folk music from Delta Blues,
with lyrics, biographies and more.
- Bayside.Net
MIDI Collection 2866
- Diverse, organized by MIDI file name. Service for Web
- Drum
215 (3008 zips)
- Zips, sorted mostly file name. No sign of intelligent life
since 1997.
- Volkslieder - German and other
Folksongs 2761
- A really unique specialized constellation. Put on your
liederhosen (when no one's looking). A must visit world for inquisitive travelers and
- Borg's World 2
- For star-trekking, music-loving travelers. Big TitleThemes
- Beaver
Online's JukeBox 2578
- 1,000 Rocks, the rest varied, with a Juke Box resting on the
Bach MIDI 2537
- The first single composer kilosite for perhaps the greatest
composer in the universe.
- Midi-Mania 2482
- An innovative, ambitious entry in the kilosite class.
Seventeen classes. Effective use of frames (but confusing for robots)
- File City 2458
- Skyscraper directories of popular music in the major forms,
sorted by band.
- Karaoke Explosion
2440 (.kar)
- Large MIDI accretions in Zipped form. .kar(aoke) are same as
.mid(i) after renaming.
- A Brazilian MIDI ftp site with Classicas, Internationais and
Nationais branches.
- Washington
University FTP Midi Site 2247
- Popular music sorted by performer directories on one of the
early mass storage sites.
- Al King's Music Page
- From Italy, popular music arranged by title.
- Rick's
MGV "Harmonia" Page 2133
- Folksongs from around the planet: Germany, England, France,
Ireland, Austria, Scotland, USA, Wales and more, including songs for hunting and hiking.
- Bryan Dongray
MIDI files 2096
- Bryan has collected his favorites popular tunes for your
pleasure - he must live on a planet with generous life forms.
Archive ~1800
- Popular music by group with a steady increase in mass.
- Rapid
Fire's Rock-Based MIDI Files >1751 (zip)
- From Rockers for Rockers - for avid serious generators and
collectors. On one big, rock-strewn page by band.
Counts may be low if regions were unavailable
during MIDI Explorer's visit.
Zipped files may contain non-MIDI objects.
Counts are for files at the site only.
This data has been transmitted
times since September 1, 1998.