Vyas' Home Page

Vyas in a nutshell ...

I, Vyas Mohan Thottathil, hail from a small city called Kozhikode in God's own country Kerala.  Though born in Coimbatore on 28th of February 1975, I spent the first fifteen years of my childhood in Dubai, U.A.E. In Dubai, I studied in Indian High School and The Modern High School. Spent the next three years in Madras to finish my schooling in St. Michael's Academy, Chennai. On completion, I proceeded to Cochin, where I finished my B.Tech. in Computer Engineering from Model Engineering College. I was then campus recruited by the Dutch ERP company, Baan Company. So now I have been working in Baan as a Software Engineer at their Hyderabad Development Centre, since July 1997. So that's my life so far in a nut shell.. and I have miles and miles before I sleep...

I enjoy driving and playing sports the most. Tennis, Basketball, Football and Table tennis are my favorites. As for music, my range includes from pop to heavy metal in English and I also enjoy tamil songs.

Email me at vthottat@baan.com in the meantime. eCode.com

My AOL screen name is vyasole, ICQ number is 25837804 and Yahoo Pager ID is vyast.

This page is new and under construction for the last few years... ;-) Lazy me !! Come back after a while and u might find more.... One never knows eh ??

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