Welcome to Alessandro Staltari's Home Page


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Hello, my name is Alessandro Staltari, I live in Genoa and I'm a student at the Computer Science Department of the University of Genoa.

I'm a programmer, so the most interesting thing I can say here is what I have done and what I'd like to do in the future.

My experiences:

In my student life I learn to work with Linux. I'm a Linux fan, I had some experiences developing programs for this Operative System. I also developed also little kernel patch to fix a bug in my AL-B583 motherboard that causes a reset while Linux is booting.

Even if I haven't already completed my studies I had some experience of work: I developed communication programs based on serial interface and TCP/IP stack using BSD-like socket interface, WinSock libraries for Microsoft Windows, Waterloo TCP for DOS.

Short term projects:

I'm trying to conciliate studies and work, so I'm available for occasional work (if you have a good non-occasional work to offer please submit it to me, I will evaluate it, but for now I prefer to complete my study).

I'd like to port the X-Window application xearth to MS-Windows, but the work is proceeding rather slow because I have no enough time to spend for it.

Long term projects:

In the future I hope to reach the graduation, then I will see what the life will offer me.

How to communicate with me.

If you want to send me an e-mail my address is staltari@geocities.com.

Other links:

If you want to find other students of Computer Science Department of the University of Genoa see http://members.xoom.com/Samba/index.html


If you have any suggestion to improve this page, please send a message to staltari@geocities.com