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Glock Torture Stories
Unfortunately I am in no way affiliated with Glock Ges.m.b.H, besides being a dedicated Glock 20&27 owner.Then again,how could you not be dedicated when you own the finest handgun the world has ever known.The following are links to other Glock and Glock accessories sites.
The ultimate in Glock accessories
Glock Pistols
Glock 17
Glock 17L
Glock 18
Glock 19
Glock 20
Glock 21
Glock 22
Glock 23
Glock 24
Glock 25
Coming Soon!!! Glock 31,32,33!!!
Owning some of the products for sale in the above links might
get you incarcerated so be sure to check the gun laws in your
state and locality.
Links to other sites on the Web
The OFFICIAL Glock Website
Need toys? they're right here
THE Place for Parts, Service, and Info
M/D Enterprises- A new holster maker. Check it out!
Silencers and specialty items
Galco Holsters
A different kind of holster
Glock By Goran
Glock 26
Glock 27
Glock 28
Glock 29
Glock 30
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