Tuvas's Domain of Junk
Welcome to the new Tuvas's Domain. The old page, known as "Something For Everyone", had died, because I decided it was time for a facelift. I am taking of the least popular parts of the site to leave only the best parts of it left. In fact, any pages with 0 hits in the last few months are going to die, well, at least if they don't get some hits soon. Then I can dedicate more of my time to improving the pages that count, as well as start a commercial web page business. If you like my web page, and would like me to designed for you, then Email me. Anyways, now for the basic links.
The first group of sites is stuff pertaining to me or this web site. Don't forget to sign the illused guestbook (Hint hint, I need people to sign it, hint hint...) The next group is my most popular branches, the first 2 actually have more hits on them then this page does. That's alot of hits especially considering they were made at least a year after this one. The next group is my average part of my web site, altho there is some fun things there, it'll be better after I get it all updated. The last set is hardly worth it, they have long been outdated, and they are the most likely canidates for removed. Anyways, I'll let you see the links for yourself.
I had left for a period of time of 2 years on a mission to Brazil Goiania. During that period of time, as well as my college life, this website became very ill used. I'm working on updating everything, but it might take a while. Slowly but surely it's coming around. I've added a few more links to my external websites, as well as other stuff. You can expect more in the future, but, it would be nice if I can get some feedback from the site first. Hmmm.
Cool Art Work (Back to only slightly important.
News from this page (Back to only slightly important.
Information about me
Comments concerning my web site, feel free to drop a line in.
Visit my sourceforge project, "Realms of Turmoil". It contains some pretty neat stuff. Actually, probably not yet, but I'm working on it. So far my version is about 5% complete, and so buggy I'm having to redo most of the things over again. Oh well. I got the largest bug fixed, soon I might even have enough to start work on an alpha version of it... Maybe not... Oh well, look forward to updates on this soon.
Electromagnetic Pulse Shockwaves as a result of Nuclear Pulse Propulsion (Project Orion) This website talks about something called Project Orion, and a research project that I did with it at Central Arizona College
Sign Guestbook
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My old Guestbook
My X-com: Terror From the Deep (TFTD) Web Page(Which happens to be my web site's current top commenter, it's been ages since anyone else commented about any other part of my site. It's also very popular, even with it's lack of information)
My site Jan 17,1999 (Very cool) Courtesy of Internet Wayback Machine Note that the images were not stored, so it looks really bad... It looked better before, but without the background, it's horrible... Oh well.
MZT, my non-profit (because none of the games are worth anything...) programming company, featuring lame ZZT and MZX games
My Python Programming Web Site!
My almost dead David Eddings page, still fairly popular tho.
My weboards, too bad I'm the only one who ever uses the server. Anyways, feel free to use them, I'll try to check them every once in a while. If they become more popular, I'll check more.
My very popular computer acronyms and smilies page.(That somehow I forgot and didn't put a link up to it... Shame on me.)
Proof on a Microsoft Conspiricy.(Would you believe it's even true?)
Okay, since this page is so popular, I'm going to make a promise. I have a javascript version of X-bill I have programmed myself. It doesn't work great, but it does run. It will only run right now in MSIE (Which if you think about it, defeats the purpose...) Anyways, if I can get 10 different people (I can check IP addresses, and other things, so don't try to make something up...), then I will work on it's release. Unfortunatly I don't really have a good copy of netscape to work with at the moment, so it will probably still stay MSIE. It's made right now for my local computer, and not the net... I can run it almost perfectly on my comp, but on the net would be quite a bit different... Anyways, like I said, if I can get the GB entries I'll post it.
My almost forgotten Krynn page. I did it for a school project, so it's probably rather cheap, but if you still want to see it, go for it.
My computer addict test, lots of fun. Working on a javascript based test vrs. the current email based one now.
My Javascript page, alot of fun
A few Javas, nothing to particularly fancy if I recall. There are a few fun ones tho.
My somewhat outdated and probably not so funny humor page...
Some HTML help, it's actually pretty good.
Some help with Geocities, however, it's rather outdated with recent changes... Still probably useful.
A Few links, again, now only somewhat outdated and worth a little.
A rather lame, but slightly useful, sci-fi books page
There have been
poor souls to visit this web site since I started recording it.