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Rambler 45 Review
HM CNC Machine
RC Mini
World Star 45
Foamy Electric
Seaplane 2005

Worldstar On Water 4/1/2006

imageMy Worldstar on floats, at the time of writing this I have just finished replacing the rear end bearing as I might have cooked it. I noticed a bit of play in the prop and with further inspection found the bearing was well and truly stuffed. The back drop is the hume weir, dam, lake, pond and this was taken just after a flying session at about 7:30pm

CNC Updated 22/12/2005

Updated CNC Page.

CNC Updated 18/12/2005

Updated CNC Page.

Float Plane Fun 11/12/2005

Flying your plane of the water is something different, A nice big flat runway huge area to fly over and great view of the hume lake.

Crashed ShockFlyer 20/10/2005

Went out for a fly the other day with the electric shock flyer. After flying around for sometime I noticed something fall from the plane, a nice red object with a little tag. Well it did not take long to work out what had happened as the shock flyer was now a free flight plane. Watching and thinking the worst the plane glided to the ground and only the motor came loose. The worst thing was trying to find the battery in the grass.

Wedges or What? 10/10/2005

imageTonight I decided to make some wedges for dinner, Now every thing was going fine. I'd chopped the spuds, made the spices, heated the oven, what went wrong? After a number of minutes in the oven I decided to turn the spuds and they were stuck to the foil. I managed to salvage some however the picture shows the results of my efforts, these spuds are well and truly stuck.

The Seaplane Weekend 7-9/10/2005

Check out the TCMAC seaplane weekend Here

Foam Edge Test Flight 2/10/2005

imageRob had a test flight of this little foam electric Edge at the field today. With a lite breeze rob used the cross stip for take of and landing. A fast flyer and able to preform a number of tricks the 600 mAh battery gave a good flight time. Also on today was the TCMAC seaplane test flight day. Good turn out from the members. I had my trainer setup but did not fly.

World Star Wing Repair 16/9/2005

imageThis is what happens when you have a new motor, star picket fence at the flying field and the motor stops. Good thing it was easy to repair. My first real repair job too.

Wing ribs repair

Tank2D 15/9/2005

Check out Tank2d at, it's a little DirectX tank game. you will need to download the source code and compile to view it. If that's to hard just email me (mswdev at
Screen Shot


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