Vobarian Software
Software Hardware Programming Misc.



Bouncescope — Bouncescope simulates the physics of 2-dimensional elastic collisions.

Harmometer — Harmometer is a free program for measuring the harmonics of tones. Harmometer can be used to analyze the tone of instruments.

Fransys — Fransys is a free program for measuring the frequency response of audio equipment using the computer's sound card. Both amplitude and phase are measured as the frequency of the sine wave sweep varies. Fransys can be used to measure the frequency response of amplifiers, headphones, speakers, filters, electronic circuits, etc.


Fix for Power-on Problem in Toshiba 486 Laptops — Here is a description of how to fix a common problem with old (early 90's) Toshiba laptops. The problem is that a few seconds after power-on the laptop will shut itself off. Laptops with a status LCD may display a P30 or P31 error.

Making an 8500TVX Motherboard run a Pentium 200/233 MMX or newer Cyrix MII — Here's an article I wrote a few years ago about modifying the old Socket 7 Biostar 8500TVX.


Here are some old QBasic newsletters, kept here for reference. These are in Unicode format.

Oct. 1997 — Contents: GET and PUT for fast graphics; EGA page flipping for flicker-free animation; creating, storing, and animating sprites

Dec. 1997 — Contents: programming the SoundBlaster; programming the mouse. Archive with additional files


Cello Tone Analysis — This page examines the tone and frequency response of the cello.

2-Dimensional Collisions Without Trigonometry — This page explains how to use vectors to solve 2-D elastic collision problems without complicated trigonometry. These formulas are used in the Bouncescope program.


My e-mail address: chadb _AT_ mchsi.com

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©2006 Chad Berchek - all images, text, and software, unless otherwise noted
Clouds at top of page (clouds.jpg) from photo by Oswald Skene / DHD Multimedia Gallery