This site includes downloadable music and sounds from Disneyland! You must have realaudio to hear them. Addicted to Disneyland Sounds
Last modified Aug 20/98 by Mx

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Warning! If you do not have the Realaudio player, you can not hear these sounds. You need the player to enable you to hear these, but you are welcome to stay and visit anyway.

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Now let me take you through Disneyland, collecting as many sound files as possible. Remember, This page is not connected to Disney in any way! Oh yeah, please don't use these files without permision. It has taken me long to record them, then transfer them, etc. Thanks. -Mark

First we start out walking down the truly busy streets of Mainstreet USA. As we walk we hear some pleasant music coming from the speakers. Here is a sample of the type on music you'd hear - mainstreet.ra 223KB Mainstreet picture
Peterpan sign We continue walking down Mainstreet USA and walk through Sleeping Beauty's Castle. We then turn left and head into Peter Pan's Flight. Here is a sample of the theme music throughout the ride. - fly.ra 129KB
We see a short line so we go and line up for the Pocahontas theatre show. They finally let us in, we get some good seats, and the show starts. - pocahontas.ra 152KB

We keep walking until we get to the gates of ToonTown. Here we fool around the neat things you can do. We lift many gag boxes and listen to what they say. - boxes.ra 22KB

We come to a mailbox outside of the firework factory in ToonTown. We open the box and someone yells! - moveside.ra 12KB, shirt.ra 9KB, nosey.ra 7KB, and standthere.ra 8KB

We're not done with ToonTown yet though. There are many more fun things to do. Like push a cat's doorbell. - cats.ra 13KB

We then head into the post office with all our favorite character's mailboxes. Here are a couple of them. - donald.ra 5KB, and mickeygoof.ra 15KB

We can't resist the earge so we go and open another gag box. - moo.ra 7KB
Fireworks Factory As we go out to leave ToonTown, we walk past the Firework Factory and push a lever own. All of a sudden, the whole building explodes! - fireworks.ra 22KB

We then exit ToonTown, immediatly seeing the big building for It's A Small World. We get on it, and almost instantly we have the song stuck in our head. - small.ra 131KB It's a Small World
To the right of It's A Small World is Tommorowland. We walk passed the Materhorn Mountain and into the Toystory theatre show. Here's a song the toy soldiers sing. - toystory.ra 163KB

We then watch Captain EO with Micheal Jackson. Here is the speaker. - thank.ra 23KB
Startours sign We then head into Star Tours and go on a flight to Endore. - star.ra 50KB
We go to cut through Mainstreet USA but find that there's a Lion King Parade on. We sit on the curb and watch. - lion.ra 197KB
As we continue walking, we turn left to Adventureland. Here we stop by the Tiki Room. Here is one of the many songs they sing. Be careful, you don't want to anger the gods. - birds.ra 143KB Tiki Room Bird
Indiana Jones Temple A huge building catches our eyes so we enter it. It's The Temple of the Forbidded Eye in Adventureland. Here we watch the pre-show about the seat belts. - temple.ra 40KB

We then go past Adventureland to New Orleans Square. There's a band playing outside of the haunted mansion. Here it is - square.ra 228KB
After riding The Haunted Mansion, we decide to take the challenge of Splash Mountain in Critter Country. - laugh.ra 28KB

Have any Disneyland sounds I could put on the site?
E-mail me it and I will put it on. I support all sound files.
Thanks to Disneyland Virtual Tour for many of the pictures on the site.
All sounds were recorded by Mx