Lady Xeen's CU SeeMe Home Page
There are lots of Cu-SeeMe help pages and lists etc. already available
on the Web; you don't need another one from me. Instead, here are
my offerings to the world of Cu-SeeMe and to all the people I have met
Reading Room
- The Reading Room is a collection of articles, stories, poetry, books,
and more about the social side of CU.
The new articles for October 2000 are:
CU Dream
- by WD
CU Addiction
- by WD
- by PhilosopherX
Visions in the Stone
- by Slider
- by Andrew Leonard
Conveniences for CU - updated December 2000
the standard stuff like No-Geek, Geek-Talk, FastChat, CUDoodle, CUNnect,
etc. and some useful stuff that is not specifically for CU-SeeMe
Xeen's Cu-Seeme Reading List
- This is a list of books that helped me enjoy myself on the refs.
Welcome to the CU Community
- Answers to the questions I get asked the most, specifically for new CU users
that are trying to learn their way around
Links to Others
Sometimes, activities on the reflectors don't let me get to know someone
as well as I would like to. When that happens, a web page is another way
to get better acquainted. Here are a few that I like to visit.
Russ_UK... The Random Numbers Web Page (1998 version)
Quietguy... An Island of Peace and Quiet
- Vickie
... and in reverse: we met through her web page before we met on CU
- Sig
... Welcome to Sig's All Encompassing Ever Expanding Web Site
- Me...
Guestbook and

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updated December 18, 2000