HTML for People Who Want to Learn

If you have created or would like to create your own home page, but you know little or nothing about HTML, then you have come to the right place to learn.  If you are a beginner to HTML or even if you have some experience with HTML, you are sure to learn something in a tutorial listed below.


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HTML for Starters
Learn the fundamental elements of HTML

Lists for Starters
Learn how to make bulleted lists, numbered lists, and definition lists

Tables for Starters
Learn how to make tables to suit your need

HTML Help Bulletin Board
Ask a question about how to do something with HTML.  Maybe you can answer someone else's question.

Mirabilis ICQ Servers
Having trouble staying connected to ICQ?  If ICQ constantly disconnects on you, then it's time you added more servers.


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The author is a member of   The HTML Writers Guild


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Laurie's Graphics

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Last Modified: Sunday, 26-Jul-98 17:28:07 PDT
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