Ching-Ching Chorus
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Ching-Ching Weekly
Jerry's Special
Here is how you can view Chinese in big5 easily in Web Browser. I believe
everyone have IE or Netscape and Win95. If not, go to IE
Homepage or Netscape Homepage
to download one for free. Then go to Multi-Language
Support and download the Traditional Chinese Support. You will get
the Chinese font for IE & Netscape. Just install it and change your
font setup to MingLiU and Encoding setup to Traditional Chinese or Big5.
Now you are ready to view Traditional Chinese(big-5 encoding) document.
This font looks much better but doesn't print very well.
Another way is to download the free trial version of Chinese viewer
system from NJ Star or Unionway.
Once you have installed these system. You can try these insteresting
sites below China Times, Kimo
Search Engine, Titanic Forever
If you are using Netscape Navigator on UNIX platform like most engineers
in the Silicon Valley, you need to do something differently. Here is the
detail instruction
What is mp3 music file ? It's a new audio compression standard. You can
compress a 5 minutes song to 4MB with CD quality. Please check the introduction
in Chinese big5. After reading this, check the Info
Station MP3 site. It has a big list of mp3 sites and the list is updated
monthly. Among them, I like Dogs'
house the best.
Do you play chess? How about GO(Wei2-Che2)? Do you know Mr. Lin Hai-Fong
or Ne Wei-Ping? Do you know you can play GO on the internet. Check the
Internet Go Server Homepage
How to Contact Us
We meet every Saturday afternoon at a room in Stanford University. If you
are interested in joining us, click here for directions
to the practice room. For more information, please contact Barry
Lin at 408-446-4550.
If you would like to write on the ching-ching weekly, please send your
article in plain text to
or fax to 408-251-2964
Broadcast to all
ching-ching members
Bulletin Board
This is a place where you can put your opinion on this web site directly.
Anything you like to say ,in English or Chinese, long article or short
story, are welcomed here.
Write immediately
See what the others
Member's Recommendation Site
If you see any insteresting site and want to share it with us. Just write
to me and I will put it here.
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times since 5/29/97.
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Created: 5/29/97 Last updated:05/12/98
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