Download Resume Hao Gu
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Work: (414)449-6689 Home: (414)501-4719


Professional Experience
Personal development
Training & Certificate
Project Demo
Performance Review
Senior Software Engineer (.Net C# C++)

Eight years of experience in commercial software development, object oriented analysis and design, architecture, client/server, multi-tier, data structure and database design. Responsible for developing sophisticated global software solutions in a Fortune 500 company.
Professional Experience
Eaton Corporation, Milwaukee, WI

6/2004 to Present

Senior Software Engineer
  • Developing CH Studio Component Manager, a network communication application, to support Eaton global products. Architect .Net Windows Form application. Implemented a Rich Type System to represent and describe devices using the managed data types and custom attributes.
  • Developed a C# code generator to generate the .Net add-in assemblies to support events handling, data binding, and custom type handler. Implemented a Visual Studio like IDE framework. Wrote Win32 common controls in C# and Managed C++ by using Win32 APIs to overcome the many defects in the Microsoft shipped .Net controls in VS 2003.
  • Developed a device profiles client server application in VS 2005, C# and SQL Server to facilitate the hardware and software development across various divisions. Heavily used stored procedures, triggers, user defined types, and various Microsoft Application Blocks.
Firstlogic, La Crosse, WI

2/2002 to 6/2004

Senior Software Engineer, Development Group Leader
  • Successfully prototyped, developed and launched a new core product Postalsoft Business Edition, programmed using Visual C++ / MFC, COM, STL, ADO, ADOX, XML (DOM, SAX, DTD, Schemes, XPATH, XSLT, and CSS), and STL.
  • Prototyped, designed and implemented graphical user interfaces tier. Developed and integrated MFC extension DLLs, ActiveX controls, and Roger Wave components.
  • Network programming in TCP/IP, UDP, multiplexing, HTTP, FTP, multi-threads, inter-process communication by named and anonymous pipes. Used Winsock, Wininet and other Win32 APIs.
  • Implemented various artificial intelligence algorithms in the business tier, such as pattern reorganization, phonetic match, fuzzy logic, and data parsing. Applied symmetrical encryption/decryption methods, such as Blowfish and Rijndael. Conducted performance analysis and optimization by using DevPartner TrueTime.
  • Researched strategies of upgrading legacy Visual C++ 6.0 code to the Managed C++ .NET code.
  • Involved in project management tasks throughout the entire spiral development life cycle in a cross-functional team, including product road maps and requirements analysis, UML design activities, schedule estimates, design review, risk management, milestone check-points, validation, and the application of rolling wave methods. Conformed to the CMM level 4.
  • Provided guidance to the other engineers in the team. Presented speech on various topics, such as object oriented design patterns, C++ templates, XML, and cryptograph.
Firstlogic, Research Triangle Park, NC

2/2000 to 2/2002

Software Engineer
  • Successfully maintained and enhanced the DeskTop Mailer project with about one million lines of MFC
  •  code. Helped increase annual license revenue from 3 million to 4 million.
  • Developed and integrated a WYSIWYG label design studio with sophisticated GUI design.
  • Designed a trial and feature subscription system to allow centralized add-on options management.
  • Created status monitoring components in ATL and Python scripts.
  • Launched eDataQuality Service to process the international data with Unicode support.
  • Added a geographical information query service by using the US Census Bureau Tiger data.
  • Maintained and enhanced cross-platform API libraries on Windows and various UNIX (such as Linux and Solaris) platforms. Programmed using C++, QT library, and CVS.
  • Developed installer scripts by Installshield DevStudio 9.0 and Professional 6.0.
Tongji University, Shanghai, China

6/1995 to 6/1998

  • Played a key role in developing Siemens Automate Voting Machine for Shanghai Government. Researched and developed image processing and statistics graphics components in Visual C++. Integrated Siemens handwriting recognition technology. Implemented a real time multi-task embedding system. Designed software protecting and encryption packages in C. Achieved Shanghai's Best Intelligent System Award in 1998.
  • Developed a client-server multimedia training system for Shanghai Bell Lab in Visual C++, Visual Basic, Crystal Report, ODBC, Foxpro, and SQL Server. Created a few ocx controls.
Personal Development
Wavelet Image Processing
  • Designed, implemented, and released MinImage, a wavelet image compressor coded in Visual C++. Outperformed the JPEG standard. Published the paper "MinImage: a Wavelet Image Compressor" in the Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications, Norwell, MA, 2003.
Training & Certificate
Project Survival, Steve McConnell, Construx, 2003
Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer, 2003
Real World Requirements, Steve McConnell, Construx, 2002
Code Complete, Steve McConnell, Construx, 2002
Programming SQL Server 2000 (MS 2073), DBBasics, 2001
Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Hands On Technology Transfer, 2000
East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN


M.S., Software Engineering, GPA 3.925, Outstanding Academic Achievements
Tongji University, Shanghai, China


M.S., Artificial Intelligence, GPA 3.9, Dean's Awards
Tongji University, Shanghai, China


B.S., Computer Applications
OOAD, UML, Visual C++, MFC, .NET, Managed C++, ADO, DAO, ODBC, STL, ActiveX, UML, XML, XSL, DTD, Scheme, XPATH, SQL, TCP/IP, Multi-threading, Java, C, Win32, UNIX, Visual Basic, Python, PERL, JavaScript, VBScript, ASP, and CCS.
Visual Studio, Visual SourceSafe, CVS, Installshield DevStudio, Rational Rose, GDPro, Embarcadero's Describe, SQL Server, Crystal Report, MS Project, Foxpro, Access, Excel, FrontPage.
ACM and IEEE members since 1995.
Project Demo
CH Studio Component Manager
Device Profile Management System
Postalsoft DeskTop Mailer -- GUI Flash Demo
Postalsoft Business Edition -- Feature Comparison
MinImage -- A GUI Wavelet Image Analysis and Compression Utility (Zero Install Zip File)
Performance Review
The official 2004 performance review (pdf)
"Wavelet Image Compressor - MinImage (pdf)", The Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications, Norwell, MA, 2003.