The McConnell 's Amateur Radio Family Home Page

Hi, I'm Dennis (N0ZFA), my main hobbies is amateur radio and the computer. I hold an Extra class FCC amateur radio license. My wife Kathy (N0ZFB) is also an amateur radio operator, holding a general class license. She also enjoys working with the computer. You can imagine the problem that can sometimes cause when we want to use the computer at the same time.



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I am employed at the local television station KNOP-TV in the production department. 

We are members of a  wonderful & caring church Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church . Be sure to check out their web page. 

Click on picture to go to my mom's website.

Click the picture of my brother & his family for his web site.

This is my wife's cousin Tami and her family click the picture for her web site.


We have a 5 year old son that is the pride of my life. Happily he loves to listen to morse code. He was born 3 1/2 months too earlier. As a cause of it he has a number of physical handicaps including blindness. Unfortunately he also later developed other life threatening conditions due to the incompetence of a couple of so call doctors.

My ham equipment is as follows: HF Rig-Kenwood TS-450SAT, Antenna-single fed Home-brew Multiple-Dipole, Dual band Kenwood TM-732A, Home-brew 4 element cubical quad antenna for 2 meters. and his & hers TH-22AT 2 meter HTs, Kantronics KAM Plus TNC.

  Click here to view our family album Family Album (click smaller pictures for a larger view.)

You can sometimes catch me at Mplayer, It's a great game and chat site. HH01499A.gif (1090 bytes)  


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people have visited this site since October 31st 1998